New Ideas…

Welcome to “the yo-yo archive”. This blog originally started as a place for me to store photos, and information, that I was finding while collecting Anti-Yo’s. I shared the site with some friends, and that started a discussion about how yo-yo players haven’t been that great at saving our hobbies history. That got us discussing things that we wish we could easily find, and brands that aren’t around anymore. This led to the idea of this archive.

The history of my interests has always been fascinating to me. For years I have saved items that I found interesting. Videos, photos, screenshots of spec sheets, etc. I found in other hobbies that information can be gone pretty quick on the internet and be gone for good. In talking to others, I quickly found that I’m not the only one who has saved items throughout the years. The archive will allow myself, and many others, the opportunity to share the things, and information we have gathered over the years.

One goal we have is to document every yoyo released from a specific brand that we feature. For example, take a look at our Freehand 1 or Freehand Zero pages, we are endeavoring to create an archive of every model that was released. This is where we need the communities help. If you have, or come across, photos of items that we are missing please send them to us.

Photos and information have been saved from all over the internet for many years. Where I could, permission was asked and granted for the use of the photos. If you do see a photo of yours, and you do not want it posted here, please use the email link below and we will take it down. There are many other great sites for the history of our hobby, the YoYoWiki and the YoYoMuseum being two of those, please visit them when you can.

We’d love for everyone to help out by donating photos, letting us know what brands we should archive, share old contest photos and stories. Tag us on Instagram, @theyoyoarchive, or email us here. We’ve got some great people that have offered to help out here, and we all have a lot of ideas that we will be working on and sharing this year. Please let us know what you’d like us to research and add to the site, and if you have something to share please let us know!
