A Look at the Freshly Dirty Fluke

A Look at the Freshly Dirty Fluke

I recently received a box from Freshly Dirty containing a Featherweight Canary and their latest yo-yo, the Fluke. After finally putting the FC down, I spent a fair amount of time throwing the Fluke, and it felt SO different from the FC that it took a bit of getting...

ZGRT Announces the Black Hole

ZGRT Announces the Black Hole

Zero Gravity Return Tops just announced the Black Hole over on the YoYoExpert Forums. Here's what they had to say: "Introducing the Black Hole – the pinnacle of precision and performance. This throw embodies the perfect balance of form, design and function. The...

On Designing the Ring-Bearer’s Box

On Designing the Ring-Bearer’s Box

Mark from Mk1 Yoyos posted a great article on the YoYoExpert Forums on how he came up with the epic "hobbit hole" box for the Ring-Bearer. I love working on yoyo packaging, and the Ring-Bearer carton went through a much longer process than most I’ve worked on. My...

Help Support the Archive in 2025

Help Support the Archive in 2025

The Yoyo Archive is a labor of love, but that doesn't pay the bills! If you're looking for a way to help the Archive out this year, please consider donating towards our hosting costs. Keeping the Archive up isn't relatively costly, but we currently don't have any...

A Look at the Freshly Dirty Featherweight Canary

A Look at the Freshly Dirty Featherweight Canary

Freshly's Dirty's Featherweight Canary is a bit of an oddity in my collection. It is an inner-ring bi-metal yo-yo with a diameter of around 54mm and a weight of only 55g. It also sports a D-size bearing. Light and unassuming, it looks and feels smaller than it is. It...

C3yoyodesign’s First Monometal: Speedaholic MN

C3yoyodesign’s First Monometal: Speedaholic MN

The Speedaholic MN, C3yoyodesign's first-ever monometal yo-yo, is available for purchase now from several online retailers. This new throw comes in at $49.99, and has the following specs: Diameter: 58.00mm Width: 46.45mm Gap Width: 4.50mm Weight: 65.8g Bearing: C...

Yoyofriends Announces Firt Hybrid – Hypercut

Yoyofriends Announces Firt Hybrid – Hypercut

Yoyofriends recently announced their first hybrid yo-yo, the Hypercut. Based on the bimetal Papercut, the Hypercut features a wider body, heavier stainless steel ring weight, and higher overall weight. There are no more details yet, except that the Hybrid will be...

One Drop’s Warlock is Coming

One Drop’s Warlock is Coming

Who's ready for a booster Wizard? The Warlock, One Drop's Wizard upgrade, will be dropping January 3rd, 2025 at 11am EST for $77. From One Drop: "What is Boosted? It is a re-designed 6061 alloy yo-yo made in 7075 alloy. The trick is that 7075 has a higher density so...

The Schmoove Groove

The Schmoove Groove

Recently someone asked what the deal was about Schoove Grooves on the YoYoExpert Forums. There were plenty of great answers, but the best would be the genius behind the Groove, Doc Pop's, own explanation . As @fradiger mentioned, this page has some good info on...

André Boulay’s Brief History of Yo-yo Response

André Boulay’s Brief History of Yo-yo Response

This article comes from a post on the YoYoExpert forums in reply to a question about why O-rings were abandoned for use in yo-yo response. André drops a fair bit of lore here that is an extremely interesting read, and a fantastic look into yo-yo history So response in...

Review: Caribou Lodge | Swan | C-Tier

Review: Caribou Lodge | Swan | C-Tier

Specs: Diameter - 51.95mm Width - 46mm Weight - 65.15g Materials - 6061 Alu (likely) with SS Rims I think a full-sized version of this would’ve been incredible. This thing just felt tiny and restrictive to me. It’s powerful and has decent stability for its size. It...