Recess YWET’s

Danny Edition – Powdercoat

From the Recess Intl. website:

“My brother, Danny Severance, was and is one of my biggest inspirations not only in YoYoing but also in life. Anyone who met him would probably say something of a similar effect.

2 years ago he decided to take his own life. As much as it pains me and all of his family/friends and the people he touched, we all know he’s in a better place and wouldn’t want us wallowing in sorrow.

So instead, I’ve made some YoYos in his honor. If you ever got to meet Danny or see some video of him throwing earlier on, you would know how partial he was to a Purple Freehand Zero with plain white caps. A clean look inspired by Seth Peterson and so many of his idols who threw Freehands before him.

This is an original Anti-Yo YWET powder coated in his favorite color way. As you may know these YoYos weren’t sold to the public due to a bearing seat machining error. This is fixed with a simple shim to adjust the gap of you YoYo, and all pieces are hand tested to perfection before shipping. Shims will be glued into place.

They’ll be funding a team who will be walking the “Out of the Darkness” overnight fundraiser, with all proceeds being used in the fight for suicide prevention.

YoYos will be released on Friday April 1st (8 PM EST) (editor note: 2016), and be shipped in mid April after powder coating is completed. Price will be $70.”

15 of these yoyos were sold April 1, 2016.

If you’d like to donate to a worthy cause, please visit:

danny ywet


Danny Edition YWET Anodized

On November 9th, 2018, Recess released an additional 20 YWETs anodized by Gruntbull to look like Danny Severance’s Freehand Zero. Similar to the powdercoated YWET, shims were hand glued in. They sold for $110 each, with a portion of the proceeds going towards the same suicide prevention charity.

Paul Escolar Anodized Edition YWET

On July 3rd, 2019, Recess released a quantity of YWETs featuring the artwork of Paul Escolar in his signature color scheme, teal and blue. They retailed for $150 and came with a print signed by Paul Escolar.

Paul Escolar Powdercoat Edition YWET

Recess released 20 YWETs featuring the artwork of Paul Escolar in a two-tone powdercoat. They retailed for $140 and came with a print signed by Paul Escolar and stickers.

Nickel Plated and Black Hardcoat YWET’s