
  • Diameter – 56mm
  • Width – 50mm
  • Weight – 68g
  • Materials – 7075(?) W/ Alu Body & PC Rings

One of the most hype yoyos in the competitive scene right now. At Worlds basically everyone was trying to either get their hands on this or try it. Not a single person I’ve met has said they thought this yoyo sucked or that they didn’t like it.

And yeah- I get it. It’s insanely good. Based on performance alone it could easily be SS-Tier. But there’s one glaring issue.

This yoyo is SO fatiguing to use. Forget using this yoyo if you’re physically exhausted. Didn’t sleep well and still feeling groggy? Muscles just not fired up properly for the day? You’ll feel it.

It has a VERY forward presence and because it’s on the heavier side, you feel it. The Savage is CRAZY powerful. Slightly above average speed, stability is insane. In most cases, a yoyo built like the savage would be hard to control but because it has such a forward presence and it’s heavy, it’s not the worst thing to control. Fairly average in that regard.

This yoyo is a beast for zoning and zontals in particular. When I asked pros what they thought of this yoyo before I got it, literally all of them said “It makes hard tricks easy”

This yoyo definitely fits the bill for a yoyoer like Ayumu Kasuga. Yoyorecreation claims it’s perfect for players looking to be aggressive and high-speed, they’re not lying.

I’d rate it higher but this yoyo can be exhausting. Definitely not for everyone either.

Play: Competitive

Power: Horse-Kick
Speed: Average
Controllability: Average
Stability: Built Different

Value: Bad
Bind: Average
Sturdiness: Be Gentle(?)