The Yoyo Archive is a labor of love, but that doesn’t pay the bills! If you’re looking for a way to help the Archive out this year, please consider donating towards our hosting costs. Keeping the Archive up isn’t relatively costly, but we currently don’t have any budget at all.
In the future, once our costs are sufficiently covered, I’d love to use extra funds to give back to the community with giveaways, grants, etc…
The ultimate goal is to become an official Non-Profit, so we can do even more good!
critique: this feels like less of a museum and more of a blog — it doesn’t appear to actually be archiving anything: i can’t browse the collection or even see posts sorted by anything other than date. the natural closest thing i could think of, the ‘catalog’ heading, instead of giving the catalogues of the archive take me to a single ‘collection’/’exhibit’ of company promotional materials. (note- if this is the only item you have archived, i would refrain from asking for money yet.) as is getting pretty dated, i had hoped that this would be a more modern effort at consolidating yo-yo information outside of the Fandom wiki, but find myself disappointed. if you’re actually aiming to be more of a Bind -style journal, forget the above but maybe think about a name change? haha. cheers!
I feel like you missed the bulk of the catalog. Check out the “Brands” link above.
The data is starting to fill up, and I’m working on a better UI for the whole site.