The following is a list of all yo-yos released in collaboration with Failure is Unknown. It is kept up by Ajolivarez on the YoyoExpert Forums.

Below is a list of MAKE and MODEL and Year Released. I have also included the Totals for each throw that I have been able to research. I am asking for your help to get my list in order. If you see a throw I have missed, have a release date wrong, or you happen to have productions numbers, please let me know!!!

Thanks again for everything and for being an amazing community!


5-23 General Yo Prophecy 10 total
11-14 Duncan Bassacuda 50 total

4-23 Japan Tech FiReal ?
7-22 Onedrop Kuntosh 20 total

1-25 Yoyofreaks Yourmom 10 total
5-10 Duncan Origami 60 total each color
5-17 Yoyofreaks Hashtag 10 total
6-3 CoroCo Tako ?
7-31 Topyo Turbine ?
8-8 Yoyofreaks Pound 10 total

1-3 CoreCo X SF BFF 35 total
3-2 Yoyofreaks Bi-mom 10 total
4-29 SF Cadence 50 total
6-23 Yoyofreaks SF 10 total
9-12 A-Rt Knob 40 total
10-27 CoreCo Diesis ?

2-23 Japan Tech Linkx ?
3-5 SF Statement 35 total
3-9 Unparalled Ignition 30 total
5-16 SF Cadence CS 50 total
6-21 Japan Tech Shaqshine ?
7-3 Duncan Grasshopper 35 total
7-12 Yoyofreaks Freak 10 total
7-21 SF Sstatment 35 total
8-16 SF PLSTC 150 total
9-5 CLYW Pickaxe 50 total
9-12 Timber Enknown 30 1st release / 35 2nd
9-30 PDX Yo Batsquatch 20 total
11-9 Iyoyo Barbarian 50+
11-21 Anomaly Euphonium 15 total
12-11 CLYW Peak 2 25 total
12-30 Yoyofriends Hummingbird 30 total
12-?? CoreCo Mothra ?

6-22 2sick Crusade 25 total
9-15 OST Confluence 25 total
9-21 Spiral Kappa 25 1st run
9-28 Hspin Pyro 100 total
10-3 C3yoyodesign Galaxy Diver 30 total
10-7 Yoyofactory 720 ???
10-9 Duncan AL Bionic – 50
11-19 Duncan AL Black – 50
12-14 Yoyo Palace Answer 30 total

1-18 Yo-yo Palace Code ?
1-25 Reykjavik Frejya ?
2-7 RSO Bowl 37 total
3-25 CLYW Akita 50 total
4-8 Yo-yo Palace Code Silver ?
4-16 Duncan FH1Black ?
4-16 Duncan FH1 Bionic ?
6-3 Japan Tech Gadget ?
9-17 Freshly Dirty 44 Mod 20 total
10-1 Duncan FH1 Titanium ?
10-8 Thesis DaCapo ?
10-17 Jake Bullock Slam Dunk ?
10-22 Zipline BMC 35 total
10-22 Zipline IST 30 total
11-19 RSO The End 36 total
12-2 Throwing Sideways ?

2-1 Far and Few Between Inception ?
3-22 Duncan FH1 (plastic) ?
4-8 Duncan Butterfly AL ?
6-21 Japan Tech Trueno ?
8-19 MK1 RBC 35 total

4-6 CLYW Pickaxe V2 50 total
5-11 Japan Tech Kagerou ?
5-16 Topyo Colossus VI ?
7-6 CLYW UnWish ?
10- 18 W1LD ?
11-03 SF BD (all variants) ?
12-10 Far and Few Between Dreamer 35 Total
12-26 CLYW Otter ?

2-16 MK1 Yoyo Unicorn 40 total
4-20 Mile High Yoyo UnGnome 60 total
9-6 Ikimono Tomo 35 total
9-9 Duncan Freehand Mini ?
9-27 Duncan Butterfly 500 total
12-07 MK1 UNSeen Ring-Bearerâ„¢ 111 total