Brian Cosky’s signature yoyo The Buzine$$ was released January 15, 2007. This would be Anti-Yo’s last yoyo using the axle system and pad setup they were using at the time. The yoyos were packaged with US Bills wrapped around them, some reported that there was up to a $100 bill wrapped. Shredded money made up the rest of the packing material in the box.
There were special releases of this yoyo as well. See below for more details.

Risky Buzine$$
There were 10 of the Risky Buzine$$ released, a Rhodium plated version exclusively through YoYoNation. Each came with a handmade denim pouch made by DocPop.
If you have information on retail price, and release date please let me know.

Black Buzine$$
The Black Buzine$$ was a black hardcoat version of the Buzine$$. Only 6-10 were made, can’t find exact numbers.

Shady Buzine$$
Shady Buzine$$ was a limited edition of 10, sold at Worlds 2007, and the rest through Retail price was $220, and they came with a hard carrying case.

Platinum Buzine$$
There were 10 Platinum Buzine$$. Two of them were auctioned off and proceeds were went to the California State YoYo Championship. One of the auctions sold for $407.
From the auction:
“This is One of Two Auctions. Both items are pictured below. Item specific pictures in the gallery.
First is a 1 of 10 Platinum Plated Anti-Yo Business
The Business was:
Nickel plated
Polished Again
Platinum Plated (completely)
Polished Again Again (outer rim only)
These are Anti-yo
This is a � Platinum� Business
All funds go to the California State Yo-Yo Championship.
Thank you Sonny, Kiya, and Anti-Yo for sponsoring the California State Yo-Yo Championship! “