“The Freq.mod was born in the BST Ross Levine of Ilinx Toys and myself were in a post about what yo-yos we would love to see updated, reissued etc and we both agreed on the freq.wav. The Freq.wav comes from the now defunct Recreational Revolution, I learned of this brand at the National Yoyo Contest of 2012. Alex Lee, and Ernest Kahn were hanging in a corner throwing, I recall asking Alex what yoyo he was using and he handed me the Rojas Edition freq.wav, being a long time fan of Anthony Rojas I needed it. So fast forward a bit into 2013 and I managed to score one then two, and at one point I’d collected about 7 in total. It’s the yoyo that kept me playing for hours on end for years. So in early 2019 Ross and myself discussed making more of then but out of 7075 and modernizing the response system but keeping the play and the aesthetic the same. Ross handled all the CAD work between two Freq.wavs hand measuring every angle on them both, I was left with double checking the work and going forward into manufacturing. Now these are available to the world again and i hope this yoyo inspires others creativity in the same way it has for me. “
– Coffin