Format:C Gen 2





Diameter: 56.72mm
Width: 42.93mm
Weight: 61.4g
Bearing: Large (C) stainless steel (One Drop 10 Ball Bearing)
Response: One Drop Flow Groove
Additional Info: Alloy: 7075 Aluminum, Finish: Pyramatte (tm), Axle System: Tapped, 8mm axle, Gap Width: 4.42mm

Format:C Gen 2 History

From One Drop:

“The original Format:C was released 10 years ago in late 2013.  It is time to revisit.

For Generation 2, the big visual update is to the hub which is now flat replacing the tap-through and slightly raised hub of the original for a much cleaner, sleek look. This change also reduces the center weight. You can also see that the Sightline is wider.

Less obvious to the eye is, but easy to see if you compare cross sections is that Gen 2 is different throughout. This could be summarized as a big change to the weight distribution and the overall weight – the Gen 2 is 3.75 grams lighter overall.  You will feel the difference in play.”