Only 100 were made and they are numbered on the packaging and came with a certificate of authentication and pogs that have ID #‘s (00-99) on the eyes in the pog. The DV8 is a pre-production run, production run was never made due to YoYoJam patent on yo-yos with rims that have a denser material than the body of the yo-yo. While the preproduction had squared off rims, the production version was going to have rounded rims. Notice the yellow version from the BuzzOn website photo below.
Write up from Buzz-On’s website:
The DV8 was a Menehune, but has been re-machined to accept large, aluminum weight rings. The body has been machined with a special “snap groove” on the inner hub, making the weight rings snap firmly into place. The weight rings are also bonded to hub using a powerful adhesive for more security.
The DV8 will come with the large SPR kit installed, using a clean, de-shielded ABEC 7 bearing, and 2 large cut Duncan friction stickers. The pre-production DV8 also comes with a small SPR kit! This gives the player the option to choose which gap size to us
Only 100 of these DV8’s will be sold here in the United States. The production models will have 2 different style and shape weight rings; anodized, powder coated, etc. Each one of these 100 pre-production DV8’s will come with a notarized certificate of authenticity.
Original Price: $60