Turner Return Tops

Company Type: Yo-yo Brand
Website: https://www.turnerreturntops.com/
Founded: 03/2022

From TRT:

Turner Return Tops was officially founded on March 14, 2022.  Since then, we’ve released 3 independent models and 1 collaborative yoyo project.  TRT also currently has a team of 5 pro players!  Our goal is to create good, quality, fun yoyos at a reasonable price while investing in the yo-mmunity (yoyo community).  Most of our models focus on the more fun, and sometimes silly, aspects of yoyo play, instead of competition, although we like that, too!


Buoy! Yo-yo08/2022
Isthmus Yo-yo12/2022
Bathysphere Yo-yo01/2024
Cenote Yo-yo09/2024
Scrub Yo-yo11/2024