Freshly Dirty

Company Type: Yo-yo Brand
Founded: 06/2016

Freshly Dirty got its start in summer of 2016 when Alex Morton started experimenting with making fixed axle yo-yos using a dress press on his back porch in Greenwood, Indiana. It expanded in scope in August of 2016 when Alex and I met at the World Yo-yo Contest in Cleveland and decided to take on the project of making a metal yo-yo together. I had some previous with yo-yo design and manufacturing when I started a brand called Kingspin back in 2010-2011. From 2016 on, we consistently released a few yo-yos each year and build a small following. Around 2019, development of the Mod44 started, which gained us a lot of exposure and carved a niche out for us to continue to innovate with modular design in yo-yo and push the envelope with ambitious designs. We continued this trend in 2024 with the Stem system, further pushing into configurability as an area of expertise in yo-yo design.


Traveler Yo-yo08/2016
Cardboard Dreamboat Yo-yo09/2016
Canary Yo-yo02/2018
Stale Bread Yo-yo03/2018
Cardboard Steamboat Yo-yo06/2018
Untitled 2019 Yo-yo01/2019
Moldy Bread Yo-yo08/2019
Rooster Yo-yo10/2019
Mountain Man Yo-yo07/2020
Mod 44 Yo-yo01/2021
VHS Yo-yo10/2022
Snapdragon Yo-yo06/2024
Stem System Mod06/2024
Orchid Yo-yo06/2024
RTD Yo-yo06/2024
Dahlia Yo-yo06/2024
Fluke Yo-yo12/2024


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